My “Aha-Moment” of Diminishing Return

When Economics (Science) Amplify My Belief in Spiritual Concept

For people who gain an economics background, marginal utilities and diminishing return concept is not an “alien” word. In fact it is a common words. For us (economics scholar), understanding and intellectualizing those two notions help us shaping a formula to maximizing welfare or benefit in any economic activities. For me, it gives a source of validation to amplify my belief regarding an altruism act and the choice to not to choose greediness.

A Little Glance of Knowledge

Source :

So what are those words actually? Marginal utilities are the additional satisfaction that one person get after adding up one more product. For example, the satisfaction to consume one bar of chocolate is equal to 2 ❤ (satisfaction) for Miss “A”, if we she consume more and then her satisfaction will increase until it hit a certain point. Assume that, she consume ten bars of chocolate then the satisfaction will diminish. Diminishing return, the sweet soothing taste of chocolate won’t give her any more satisfaction, it is diminishing.

My Take-Away

In the case of Miss A, she has limit on less 10 bars of chocolate more than that will make her hate chocolate, it will disgust her. That reasoning of economics is not only help in my economics class but also on real life. We all know about the wisdom to speak about greediness, that we need to be full aware about our consumption, that we do not need that much.

That virtuous study about ethics and live in altruism sometimes makes people roles their eyes as if it’s some of “Whoo whoo” thing, but it is proven and justified by one of social science, economics. Philosopher said, it takes courage to have a step back reasoning about things that happen, because it challenges someone else’s way of thinking. In the case of diminishing return, even businessman oftentimes cast this disciplines away. My hypothesis about that? This kind of people will take advantage about the situation, while they (maybe I used to be one of them) still have a chance until the course of science take it all away.

What I still don’t understand is, why they’re reluctant to adopt it when the fact and science is laid upon them.

Thank you for reading, I hope you get insight from this



It is very typical that we got into a big, fat, slimy “shield” that cover our thought and clarity to follow through our plan. Some people call it resistance, some people call it blockage or maybe we just need to admit that we are surrender with laziness, I call it the Slog Moment. Talking about follow through and keeping up is funky, yet necessary for us as an adult. This is a very serious discussion that most of people are reluctant to be bumped into, but like it or not this is part of our life, if we are committed to live the life that really matters for us.

Based on my experience, we can’t live without resistance, mind-blocking or hesitation, especially on the moment we try to attempt doing something that really matters and make a change for our well-being, unwanted things happened. It is and would always be like that, without exception. Considering that there’s no chance to win to fight those slog’s stuff, there is no other way to embrace and face it. Take it as part of our project but put it in a little box and carry it away along with us. With this understanding, I experience more ease to position myself every time the slog strike. In my case,  I take the time by giving myself permission to have a break to gather up all my energy and calibrate my machine, without judging myself. I can get back into my project with full of capacity and more awareness and clarity.

Two things that I do to Face The Slog Moment:

  1. Take the time – Invest Your Energy
    • After I hit a wall after doing a big project, I usually having this slog moment that will make me do nothing’s good. I found it really helpful to embracing the slog instead of pushing it away but I embrace it while use it as my compass, I really take this time to really invest all the good things to myself.I invest such a things like:  Good and nutritious food, real  good rest (not resting in front of TV *it’s important, otherwise you’ll end up watching TV and say good bye to your project), reading, surround yourself with your family or your support system.
  2. Practice Makes Perfect – Light Kicking
    • To make a good come-back to your “Project” after investing good stuffs on you, a light, little practice of your kicking-ass will make your slog break even better. If your project is writing your book, you can make your light try by make a try on journal, to oil your writing machine and your hand muscle. The point is give a try on little things will give you confidence on your real project, warm up. Like the proverb said “Practice Makes Perfect”.

Urban people are tend to do like “Push.. push, Keep Going No Matter What” to make it efficient by using theory that time is money and we can’t lose any second. Well, maybe it is work for some people (although I doubt that), I personally don’t go along with that theory, so I follow what works for me. Take a moment to just resting our mind after giving BIG effort will save me from being trapped in the slog, it allow me to gain back my productivity. There is similar concept with this Slog things, thanks to Economics :

In economics, we know the Law of Diminishing Return Concept, where we keep giving input, while the capacity to leverage the input is decreasing so the utilities that is hoped to create is diminished. It means the productivity has hit the maximum level and can not leverage any utilities so no matter how much input it receive, the result will have sloping down trend in other diminishing return.


After that actually I feel better about myself and more confident to get back on my project without causing any harm on the project that I am working on or the people that involved in it. This topic of slog and finishing stuff or follow through is an endless discussion, I , myself got helped a lot through book and personal development guru like Seth Godin, Marie ForleoYou can have a look on their wonderful project online or by clicking to their name that I mentioned.

That’s it from me today, thank you for stop by and read it. If you find it interesting please like and give your comment or your feedback.

P.S : I apologize to leave for a while to unexcused reason, I’ll try my best to keep posting once in a week

Mind and Thought Geek,




What is School For? Joy of Learning Variable

I am a book junkie and story lover. I think that phrase would stick on me till the day I die. Besides a book junkie, I also someone who can’t stop learning. I am a person who vow to keep learning (investing knowledge) till I fade away. Sounds so cheesy but it just happened like that. It is hard to explain the reason why, all I know is, I just kinda love the process of myself from not knowing into get in the know and then do something that bring value for someone else. Only in that way, I feel fulfillment, complete.

Curious on someone else’s opinion about my life aspiration, I tried to be “naked” about me and my learning’s vow. The result was quite surprising, interesting to be exact. There were a lot of people, including my friends, colleague, that define education or learning process as nothing but a tool to generate another tool of exchange, called money, or it is a tool to enter some big factory called an office that is full of obedient worker.

Something more even shocking to me, that turned out it was the way most of the people think, including academic member. Without considering what really matters.

As I said on the beginning of this article, I am a perpetual learner, I don’t see learning space, or learning process as something that stiff or terrifying. I thought that is just how we roll, I guessed that everyone sees it the same way. Well, imagine my surprise when people think that their education or learning process is sort of like a tools or requirement to fulfilled expectation of society. There is no joy of learning. And that process would stop right after people step out of their foot of school.

Facing that interesting fact, I am starting to wonder how could it possibly to be happened. My next finding bring me into some old answer. Fear. Some friends told me that, they want to go back to school after their undergraduate program so that they can get promoted and will have more money and less afraid to compare their life among others. Well, very practical answer but I am curious about what kind of program they want to follow and the answer is another surprise. They said, “Does not matter, as long as it got recognition than people will look up to me“.

I hope that anyone who reads my writing get my point. I did not see The Drive of Challenge from the answer of my people. Every one of them are moved by other people expectation to make sure that they are aligned, without taking a moment to reflect whether it is matters for them or not. There is no time for them to figure out what really matters for them, they are just don’t account this variable. But, I guessed that is not how should people think or act on this digital era.

There are a lot of transforming education nowadays that will serve our curiosity, sharpen up our creativity and then lead us into becoming a fulfilled human being that will serve more. I can have some back up from a lot of “Rock Star” nowadays like Seth Godin, Marie Forleo that speak upon new method of education or learning process and how we should not be afraid of being judged and not living our life based on other people’s expectation.

I said, that  we, human being will always seek for a meaningful life. And yes, education can act as a tool to deliver us to reach into that point. But our learning space would become too narrow and we are closing another options to see life, if we define learning process (education) is just a something to fulfill other people expectation. And that my friend, would cost us expensively, because it is matters, valuable in our long run. As my another Guru, Gary Vee said, Nothing Valuable comes Fast.

I do believe there are a lot of people who cares about our education system, and I hope I can involve and contribute. Someday.

P.S : Enjoy my writing, and please leave your comment below to see how can I improve. And also please check out people who I mentioned above, they are really an innovation in current age.


Blockage and Commitment, Development and Growth

I promise myself to write no matter how. So here I am, writing expressing myself to tap into creative side in my brain. As a personal development enthusiast, I actually want to dedicate my writing for personal development and personal growth. But just like any other creative endeavor, artist, at least that what I call myself now. I am struck by blockage. But what’s the point of this digital revolution, if I still make an excuse right?

So, I decided to keep my promise by showing up even though I do not have any proper content about personal development or productivity topic to be told. I got blocked, *mined constipation I said. Speaking about development, I just knew that development and growth is two different words that most people defined as the same often times but actually have different meaning and sometimes got mixed up together.

So here we are uncovering the real meaning or definition of those two famous words.

Growth, Something that has an increasing value that can be counted, for example : profit, height, GDP.

The application of word, growth is more exact and accountable, hence it shows some number and it has to be countable. So, for calculating profit and loss  we use growth indicator. The country is having a slow growth, indicated by the decrease of its GDP

Development, Encompasses many things but it is shown by the qualitative improvement of circumstances.

The application of ,development is broader and intangible. For example, if we say that a country is passed its development stage, it covers whole aspects, including social and cultural economi. The whole dimention are involved when people talked about development, not only economic. In that way, it should experience some growth on some points. And development is about long term and bigger and deeper impact.

I take this concept in personal development like this. If we allow our self to just be open up with a greater possibility, we are going to enter a development stage of our life that might affecting some growth to some aspects. But the price of that is “expensive”, it involvoes the price of change and uncertainty to reach a greater good.

But after all, that what’s make it worth.

Thanks for reading, leave your comment below to show whether you like it or how can I improve.

P.S : I recently following this “Guru”, Gary Vaynerychuck, Check him out. He is very inspirational.

Reference : udemy blog



Saturday and How it relates to Our Productivity

For most people Saturday is the day of freedom. It is the day where people are free to hangouts with their loved-ones or just chill and relax by them selves. As part of an ordinary human being, I do “in-different” thing than many other people, I take my Sacred Saturday too, the one that might make it different is I spent it in a library or behind the desk in a cafe to write. The free day is the day to do activity that we love. It is not only important to our physical health but also mental health. I take it as an re-charged phase of our life to be back into our routine and also become more productive.

Speaking about Productivity, it leads us to dig again into economics book. In economy, productivity is defined as “How much people can output in a limited time and resources that we got”. If we take a look into that theory, really with our awareness, we can see that we have finite times and resources to create or produce something, to be productive. With productivity theory, I can dig more into an opportunity cost theory. In that theory, it is said that to be able to be productive on something we would lost an opportunity to produce or create another thing. So, it could be inferred that in order to gain something we must give up another thing. I say it as an alarm to greedy part of human being.

So, we already learnt two theory today. One it is about productivity theory and second about the opportunity cost. You might wonder why I talk about this and how it relates to Saturday. I am saying the correlation between those twos things are very close. I hope you you read my article from the top, that I talk about ordinary people. By ordinary, I mean most of us need to work to get tools of exchange called currency to pay our bills and support our daily life. So when most people are committing to our job, we are losing our time and resources (by resources, I mean energy and thought) to commit to another aspect of our life.

We lost our time with our family, suppressing our dream to do something in order to show up from 9 – 5 in an office space. What I just said to you might seems provoking and immature, but stay with me. There is nothing wrong with a day job and do some routine activity to bring food to your table and feed your little ones. It is a dignified thing to sacrifice something and stand up for others as an adult human being. But, BIG BUT, we don’t need to lose hope to keep feeding our soul and engage to our endeavor to still lid the flame of our dream. How ? by being committed in the day where every one agree it is a FREE day. “Ding ding ding….“, yes that day is Saturday.

To honor our endeavor (LONG TERM VISION), we don’t need to “burn the bridge” (by bridge, I mean leave our 9-5 job that play as our temporary safety net). In fact, keeping a job that we can have could be a healthy balance for us. My favorite author, Elizabeth Gilbert, said that she kept her daily job whilst she still committing into their writing, and that’s one of key factor that kept her creativity be risen up. That’s how see the correlation between Saturday and Productivity. It is a momentum for us, “The deep thinker”, “Creative artist”, “Unicorn”, you name it, to commit to our creative stage of thinking and create, produce something. It could be your book, your song, or staking up a business model. Who knows.

By honoring our creative side, it is not just fulfilling our productive concept that align with our dream. The left-over happiness after creative activity would remain for seven days ahead make us productive in our office :). It is not only beneficial for us, but also the institution we work for. By describing this very simple logic and concept, I am still wondering why there are still few people (adult ones) that see Saturday as the productivity charging day. How many people let their Saturday flew away by wandering around at the mall or committing into hibernation, or stuffed junk food to their stomach and then get back to sleep after that. End up with an easy happiness.

But, I am an optimistic person. I do believe in the good. I have faith that it is us, the smart-generous generation that grow up in this generous time in digital revolution. To shout out this idea of Productive-Saturday, hence everyone can tap into their unique idea that this world need. Like another living Hero that I love, Seth Godin, “There are no any other era that bring advantage to artist (creative) people than Now“. I am paraphrasing what he said, he taught us that, in this most free resource and cheap price we need to pay to get information, it is VERY WASTED, if we are not grabbing this opportunity.

 So, before we wrap up, I hope you do some creative things this Saturday. whether it is end up messy or not. I hope you learnt some foreign language or learnt new knowledge that you’ve been dreaming of or walk with your Dad/parents in a country side. I hope it is fulfilling your soul.

Because Now, Our current is-ness time is very precious. Since we can’t create time so, I wish we can be wiser in spending it.

PS. : Also wish you enjoy my writing, and please leave a comment below if you think it’s not that good. I found many inspirations to write from this one and only Marie Forleo, please check her out :


Rock Bottom and Drive of Challenge

I am sure that every now and then or at least once, a situation called “Rock Bottom” happen to every one. By Every one, I mean, every single human being without exception. Meaning, that whether it is a situation of their life, their business or it might related to their health.There will be a time when people hit a certain point of their life that is inevitably will grind them out, crushed into “ashes”. Some of us call it a crisis situation. I prefer to call it hit a Rock Bottom.

Thankfully, We get well enough information about crisis. It was delivered often times through economic updates. It was told that when a particular country are experiencing deficit (more expense on resource than production output) by three period of time in a row, we call that country are having an economic crisis. In term of stage of life of a person, we can relate it into that theory by describing a situation that put them into the absence of “Growing” over and over again then it end up into an unfulfilled life. Life crisis.

The difference between economic crisis and human are the solver agent, the executor of problem solving. For a country, it would take experts and become policy maker area to solve. On the other hand for a Rock Bottom situation, it only take that particular person to solve it. The similarity between the two are sometimes crisis are the effect of some drive to take more action to grow. In a human nature, it is driven by The Drive of Challenge. The price that we have to pay for accepting the invitation for the drive of challenge.

So, if the drive of a challenge is an invitation. A rock bottom is an eviction from our current state of life. To BE OUT and embrace the new things. The new life to really come into our truth meaning of life. To a place that we are invited for.So for me, instead of whining and hiding into an unknown place, I think it is good to stand up and take this invitation and then go into the cave of uncertainty. For what ? To really complete our project.

As a personal development enthusiast, I always moved by the drive of challenge and a seek for a meaningful life. I am a kind of human being who will go into “My Cave”, turn on the candle and then make a vow to myself that I am going to really, truly ensure the life that I live is meaningful. Even, people call me crazy, gypsy or hopeless, I am going accept that I have ambitions and it might seems irrational. As Brandon Burchard said about “The Charged Life”, he mentioned that we are never get a charged life without the drive for challenge.

So, by that lecturer. I devote myself to be okay to hit a rock bottom. To be evicted from my current state of life and then climb another hill. Driven by the drive of challenge.

How do you think about that? I would love to know from you. What do you think about the charged life.

P.S : I also need input from you about how bad my writing does. Please leave your comment below.

Till the next writing then.


Are you being PRODUCTIVE or just being BUSY?

Hi there you Reader and Writing Junkies ….

On this Blog Post, I want to remind you guys to slow down a little bit, just to REFLECT on our path.

Do we stick on the right path or Do we really know WHY do we do the project/business we are struggling with right now?

This notion actually already came into myself a while ago, but it just struck me on the face recently due to some distraction that I got that kept me away from what I should be done. So here’s a few stories that I want to share with you guys, and some tips to tackle down this kindda situation.

The background story was about me in my final exam season. Supposed to be prior the day of test or deadline I should put a larger portion of my attention on my college’s stuff to prepare on my study, but again when we were in defining time of our life, the distraction came. And in my case the distraction was, an essay contest. That was a contest that offered the student like a very HOT experience to explore Dusseldorf, German. Like a monkey see a nuts, my mind went off from my focus and I got distracted by the contest. In short, I spent a lot of times just to think about “What should I write for that contest”.  I ended up being BUSY writing and editing about the content, and guess what it took me off of my PRODUCTIVITY should be because it is not what I am supposed to go. And I did not make it to submit the essay.

You probably think “Hey Dewi, there’s no faulty there, nothings special in your story”, hold it right there, friends. This is why I want to share and said that I got distracted and ended up just being BUSY instead of PRODUCTIVE.

First, I never wanted to go to Dusseldorf, although maybe I want to go there sometime. Second, although it is a promising opportunity but it is not really what I want. I already set my attention into economics, hence I take it very serious to go to my graduate program and “I got off from the jet before it got landed”, I should stand still till the end but I let myself being distracted.

So here’s a few recap for you guys, if you ever found a situation like me where you unconsciously end up in a situation that really consumes your energy, time and brain (your resource) but you don’t know why exactly you’re doing it.

Here’s a few hints that indicate that you’re just being BUSY

*If it is just your personal project

  1. You went crazy and your energy level spikes but instead of built you up the activity is making you overwhelmed
  2. You kept scratching down the coming up idea and it is like a never ending job
  3. When you close your eyes, and being honest to you inner guiding system and ask
  • If I don’t finish this project what would I become?
  • If I finish this project, would it be matters for my personal development
  • Is it important for my soul? Would it fulfill me?

And then if some of those answer was “Mmm Yeaaah, not really” and then you might be able to give yourself a question, why did I do this in the first place and at that point you can constantly make decision is it the right thing to do, are you getting yourself closer to the point that you want to be.

If the answer is yes then congratulation, you are being productive but if you’re hesitate and your inner system whisper that you don’t really need it and it just a sensation of chasing the gold then you’re just trapped in being busy.

So, you’re out there being productive is one of the key that we want to achieve to reach our potential and live the life to the fullest. But be careful, it is necessary to constantly check whether we are being productive or we’re just being busy.

Have a nice Sunday everyone, I wish you nothing but a FULL OF PEACE.









Put Your Self in The Game

Hi, Writing Junkies! I wish you nothing but constant flowing of stream of creativity

This Blog Post is dedicated for every other creative Gigs that still struggling to shout out their voice because of a lot of reason, but I am sure with every neuron in my brain that the reason is fears. Perhaps, we have to simultaneously give a reminder that EVERY CREATIVE ENDEAVOUR will elicit hesitance, and hesitance is another form of fears.

Fears by its definition means:

An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous,

likely to cause pain, or a threat.”

And if you ask why people who chose a creative Path, an unconventional path, the path that doesn’t give direct result but NECESSARY TO OUR SOUL is very likely to meet this demon called fears? The answer is very easy. It is because the more fears we feel, the more important the “thing” to our soul, to our life. And we know about creativity, it is not that easy and that is why it is a very important component for our soul.

I think there is no “enough” discussions for the “Personal-Growth” talk, since life is a long-run journey. Since every life has its path, purpose and stories so it deserves to be brought into existence. When it comes to personal growth, life’s purpose is really matters, it is like a compass that would bring you into the fullest expression that we might had. So, listening, following our life’s purpose is a “MUST” thing to do. I assume that I stress enough about having a life purpose and following it

In general, people knew about their life’s purpose after they had “The Call”. A moment where we really felt something inside us that urge to do something that will leave us an empowering sensation. An “AHA” moment. Well, another thing that I want to underline here is about the cost of entering the stage of creativity and following “The Call”. When we got this call, we need to pick it up and start the quest.

I recently got conversation with a friends that really want to do something, something meaningful for their soul, “Beyond the money and fame” thing but they just kept going back and forth then end up with never follow their call because of standard reason, “Fears”.

It is very sad that there’s still some people that reluctant to embrace their calling and be in the uncertainty to gain something more fulfilling in the future.

I do believe that deep down inside, every human being wants to live “The Ultimate” purpose of their life. There are a lot of common society problem that exists just because they haven’t reached their ultimate fulfillment in their life. They don’t want to be in the game, they’re too afraid of it.

Well, I am very happy to be a reminder for everyone out there that at some point of our life we have to face the Truth that we have to put our self in the game to accomplish something to. Otherwise, we are going to end up just as “A Spectator”. I wish that there is none of us that let our self, or someone close to be just act as “A Spectator”.

We have to put our self ON THE GAME if we want to accomplish some particular results. Moreover, by stepping in inside the game we are going to be challenged due to its certain rule, and condition. By putting our self in the game, it sorts of like trying a kind of life we want and give sometime until we ready enough to indicate whether the game is worth to our life and then we can make some decision.

There is always cost for everything, including creative endeavor. The cost that might came out for creative endeavor is “People’s Judgement”. If we really want to go through creative process, we need to be “Okay” with the fears like judgement, negative opinion from the outside, the possibility of failure. Those are some possible cost for entering the game but remember, after all of those ugly things, there is a possibility of fulfilling your soul. To get experience, to LIVE the life to the fullest.

So I wish whenever we encounter some fear when we follow the creativity, we pay the cost with patience and perseverance. Because we should know that by only putting our self in the game, we could gain experience and fulfill the hunger of our soul.

So Be in the game, Embark your life journey. To create an ultimate version of Our Self.


Embark your loud intuition and express it.






To Lean on Faith of Creativity

Creativity is a thing that inevitably takes part in every human’s life, whether we are aware of it or not, it is been existed inside us waiting to be unleashed. Human being is always intuitive and designed to be a creator. We can see the evidence of this theory by observing human babies, they will always be attracted to new thing and be wondered in a new vibe environment. And by the fact of our historical “Hero”, and by Hero I am talking about “Walt Disney, Isaac Newton, the late of our beloved Steve Job”, those are people who prove that Human do have the power of creativity.

I personally take creativity as something like a machine that urge me from within push me to do some action, give me an energy that makes have a sensation of “Dip in an Exctacy” that would turn me to do some destructive thing if I don’t use it to do valuable thing. From all of knowledge and experience that I gained, I can tell that creativity is something that always be around human. It lead us to our “Art of Work”, that make us happy, Content and That’s the definition of living. It is what pulls us each and everyday to do something with joy, otherwise what would we do, wandering around with no direction.

We, human, are prone to attracted to something that has more creativity “Juice” inside it.

After realizing that we do have creativity then we have to know that we need our platform to perform the creative works, like an artist, we need our stage. Writing is a tools for people who loves sharing stories as their weapon to stand by their cause, to create, to lid up the light of one being, to march people on their belief, to make a movement. Hence, Creative Product by every comprehension means a piece of art of that will not only attract but also lid up the inner system of a person. The message that is contained in a creative piece of product will urge people to do some action, it hook people up, touch them by the heart, and lift up the spirit of people who read it.  That is why, we can differentiate what book that only sell “Trashy product”, what is really “Talk” to us.

It takes effort from a creative process to create something that really deliver the message, not as easy as we boil an egg to yield the message. And it needs us, The Artist, to be patiently keep doing the work. To lean on our faith on our creative project, whether it is our book, our song. Then it is all about time to see the result of our creative endeavor. Because creative process will be mature by its time, our job is just to keep doing it day in , day out and patient for the progress.

For you out there, who might be in the process of making something that really truthful for your heart. I wish you nothing but patience and peace on doing it.


Getting Recharged

If you’re on the edge of the adult life, you may experience the phenomenon that you’re kinda pushing your self each and every day to do something. To go to the office, to get fit, to take care of you child maybe or you feel like pushing your self doing something “Routine”. Well, if this is happening, the likelihood that we’re lack of our drive system is very possible. You are UNCHARGED.

In the book based on neuroscience research written by Brandon Burchard (The Charged). It explains why people experiencing The Uncharged phenomenon, it is because what they have been doing every single moment has no creativity in it. By creativity, I mean their true, honest expression. To shout out to the world about their true voice so they feel matters.

Without true creative expression, everything will be just a routine and they felt not matters. That’s why they experience a rough time to get up in the morning and whining up all day and misery. They have no creativity in their routine and they turn into “A ZOMBIE”.
I said there is a common mistake in our society, especially, we, who live in EMERGING COUNTRIES. There are a lot of unwritten rules to be followed by every single kids, every single children about “HOW HUMAN SHOULD LIVE THEIR LIVE”. And this stink unwritten rules turn into a Blockage for human so they are afraid to follow their own expression. In my point of views, this rules create THE FEAR SOCIETY.

It is sad, because most of “The Adult” already gained their education. We, in the Economics major, we know about asymmetric information that will end up into MARKET FAILURE. In real life, if living a life that don’t scream our true expression could end up to a disaster. That’s the mediocre life emerged when the life doesn’t flame as it should be, because they don’t grow to their highest potential.

I think personal development is one of a major issue to be solved for each every one of us, especially people in their 20’s, if we want to develop our nation. Because we don’t want our children, or our children’s children live inside The Fear Society (that has been accidently made up by The Gen-X) and having that stink blockage to grow to their fullest potential. Because it is the human being that could change the society, it is the ultimate resource, not the other resources. And after all…..

“Your truth guidance system will always get back to you to urge to do your highest, fullest potential as a human being, no matter how oftentimes you ignore it.”